Rules of the competition were taken from the WBA and are based on years of experience running the World Bodypainting festival. The number of participants is limited to 15 per category, so it is highly recommended to submit application as soon as possible. In case of receiving more than 15 application per category, organizers will decide who to invite. The first criteria is date of the application (a participant who applied earlier has priority). Of course, organizers can choose participants by looking into the quality of the portfolio. Applications are open until May, 5th 2018.
General rules
In the Bodypainting category artist can work with an assistant. In the Facepainting category, assistants are not allowed. Models must not paint or draw themselves, but also paint other models, as this will be qualified as a second assistant, which of course is not allowed. Also, before the beginning of the contest, hair can be done only by an assistant or by the artist, without applications. The artist decides with how many models he will work on. Thus, it is possible to work on more then one model if the artist wishes to do so.
An artist provides models on its own.
Colors that are not suitable for the body are not allowed to use. Artists, please take care of the health and safety of the model. It is allowed to use any brand of products used for body painting (that is, there is no favoring of certain manufacturers).
Each participant provides supplies and equipment for work.
The competition is announced as an open category, mixing techniques of sponges and brushes and parts of decorations are also permitted. Airbrush technique for face painting is not allowed in the competition. For the body painting, airbrush can be combined with other techniques. Hair and body spray is allowed.
It is allowed to do model’s hair before the competition. It is not allowed to put color, primer (base), makeup, and or the inserts before the competition.
The model must be at least 18 years old. Before the competition, models must give their consent for use of their images and videos. The same goes for artists – they accept that their work can be photographed and filmed. Models must wear briefs, other parts of the body can be free.
The jury consists of three professional body painting artist and a celebrity from the world of art (painting).
The fair is open to artists from 9:00 hours. At the entrance at the information desk, competitors will be provided passes to access the show.
Important note to all artists: it is possible to compete in both categories.
Specific rules for Body Painting competition
Body painting competition is an open category in which it is allowed to mix techniques, special effects, and decorations. Using airbrush is allowed in this category, the use of additional elements of decoration is allowed. Creation, drawing, and painting are in the forefront.
The jury evaluates the following items:
- Quality, technique and skill: from 1 to 12 points
- Theme interpretation, idea and originality: from 1 to 9 points
- The composition of the works, overall impression: from 1 to 9 points
The following items are allowed
Artificial nails, artificial eyelashes, eye lenses, shoes (but no deeper than the ankle), wigs, hair extensions, decorations, glitter (applied by spray or with body adhesive), crystal stones.
Specific rules for Face Painting competition
Face paitning is body art category in which is allowed to use the material for special effects. In this case also, competition is limited to 15 participants. Creation, drawing and painting is in the forefront. This category defines the process of creation in which painting a face, neck and cleavage of the models is allowed.
The jury evaluates the following items:
- Quality, technique and skill: from 1 to 12 points
- Theme interpretation, idea and originality: from 1 to 9 points
- The composition of the works, overall impression: from 1 to 9 points
The following items are allowed
Artificial nails, artificial eyelashes, masks and mask parts and other special effects, the parts which can be applied to the face, hair extensions, decoration and extension decorations, glitter (applied by spray or with body adhesive), crystal stones.